5 Steps to Political Epiphany
by Rev. Cary K. Gordon

Step 4: If I Were the Devil
I sinned by voting for John McCain in 2008. I caved into the pressure of Republican Party propaganda, and violated the Law of God. My ignorance of how Christian people were being disingenuously exploited by the Republican Party allowed Duverger to once again mascaraed as Lord. I knew McCain would be the supposed lesser of two evils, and I didn’t want Barak Obama to destroy Americanism, so I convinced myself I was voting for Sara Palin, and I voted for John McCain. I won't ever do it again, because I’ve learned from my sins of ignorance.

Buy the Book That Started It All
There is no grace without law. Only when the Church understands God’s loving restrictions will we fully experience His freedom. A Storm, A Message, A Bottle by Rev. Cary K. Gordon cuts through the foggy thinking about law and liberty and provides a clear road map to American redemption.
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